
Deflategate aka the biggest pile of b.s known to man. For those of you who live under a rock and don’t know that Deflategate is I’ll tell ya. The New England Patriots basically made the Indianapolis Colts their bitch in the AFC Championship game and then after the pats went on to win the Super Bowl the Colts coaching staff made up the worse excuse known to man: The balls were deflated. WHAT THE HELL?!?!. Then since the Patriots are the best football team on the face of the earth everyone hates them for winning. So people actually believed the Colts (they clearly have their head shoved up their butt) and started spreading the “news” via social media and no life reporters blew things out of proportion  and the NFL soon caught wind  of this and “investigated”and hired David Wells. The David Wells Report in a nut shell: The ball boy did it and Tom Brady knew about it and is guilty,even though we don’t have evidence.

  The only thing evident there is that David Wells is the biggest idiot in the world(even a bigger idiot than Shawn sheering(see my colleagues blog)). There is literally nothing to back up Wells claims, he can’t prove that the ball boy did it nor that Tom Brady/my dad knew about it. Even if he could there is no advantage to having and under inflated football, Brady throws some serious heat so he would obviously want the football harder so he can grip it easier.

My Dad and Grandpa
And if the ball was deflated it was 99% because it was like 100 below 0 the night of the game. EVEN BILL NYE BACKED UP THAT FACT, BILL FREAKING NYE THE SCIENCE GUY. That’s a pretty reliable source. After all that Rodger Goodell (Nfl commissioner/bum) and the NFL made the worse decision of their life by suspending Tom Brady for 4 games. So just to recap the nfl is going to punish someone for supposedly having someone deflate footballs for them BUT there is no proof or physical evidence that backs it up, makes sense right? Goodell only suspended Ray Rice for two games after he BEAT HIS WIFE(security camera caught the altercation), Tom Brady gets suspended for four games for allegedly deflating footballs(no evidence). Makes even more sense right??? Tom Brady is an amazing person, makes everyone happy, Americas sweetheart, milks favorite cookie, wife is a super model, but yet you give a woman beater a lighter punishment. Way to be NFL!!! The National football league is the most corrupt organization in the world. This suspension WILL be removed.



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