Boston Sports are Back In Swing

Ok, I know. It’s not midnight. It might as well be, because the Red Sox season is essentially over. This move could’ve been made at 2 a.m over beers at a Somerville bar. I assume Dombrowski is a Pabst Blue Ribbon kind of guy.

Pabst Blue Ribbon: This On Has The Touch! – actual PBR slogan. That is an upside

As the baseball season is in the dog days of August, the Red Sox can hang their cleats up. You’ve got a manager in chemo, a former GM as the new president, and Frank Wren’s got his foot in the door as the General Manager of the Red Sox. That whole sentence right there reminds me of an old saying: “cleaning house.” I didn’t realize it until I started writing this article that the Red Sox are literally cleaning house. God I love it. This makes me look forward to the 2016 season. Man, this night can not get any better.

Screen Shot 2015-08-18 at 10.15.28 PM
I love you, Mike.


I have changed the location where I write this article, as I almost shit my pants when I saw that tweet. I skipped the Aaron Hernandez trial, I’ve had the opportunity to watch the O.J trial (I didn’t), and I read a simplified summary of the Wade v. Roe. But, I’m keeping my phone on 100% tomorrow, I’m watching Sportscenter, NESN, CSN Boston tomorrow. I have to. I had a fantasy football draft a couple days ago, and I picked Tom with an early 2nd round pick. I was laughed at. Who’s laughing now?

Author’s Note: Just in case Mike Gasior was wrong, I drafted Jimmy Garoppolo.

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