Adrian Peterson Almost Misses A Game Because He Swallowed His Chew

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Adrian Peterson: what a guy. He should’ve been living in the 1960’s, where everything he does would be (sort of) accepted. I think hitting your kids was accepted back then, but now he’s dipping on a plane. Why smoke cigs on a plane when you can shove some Skoal in his mouth. They definitely knew there would be turbulence. Pilots can see it from a mile away. AP thought he could beat the turbulence. He’s beat Joe Haden on a 74 yard touchdown run, why can’t he spit in a cup on a plane during turbulence. And I bet that at the exact moment Peterson swallowed it, it was a definite f**k up. He was probably planning on throwing up, he knew it was coming. He’s planning on the run to the bathroom, but he thought he beat it when the plane landed. The cock of the walk, he got off the plane, one of the few men to ever beat this, then he got in the terminal and said to himself, “This is it,” and completely upchucked in either a bathroom or a trashcan.

P.S I wonder what kind of dip he has. Is he like everyone and dips Skoal, or his some of the bold who dips Copenhagen.

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